James Watkins: Hope & Humor


I have loved my 40 years of speaking at writers’ conferences. It’s been a privilege to travel all over the United States and several countries sharing hope and humor. I’ve loved meeting famous people and just regular people like me. And I am grateful for so many wonderful experiences outside of my little cultural bubble: teaching in a tent in Mozambique, in a bar in Portugal and a YMCA in India.

But in recent years, air travel has become a horrifying nightmare and I absolutely abhor driving. And the 8 am to 8 pm schedule speaking and meeting with authors has become exhausting. So, I’m retiring my TSAPre pass and carry-on.

A limited number of talks

I’ll speak at a very limited number of events as God directs. So, I’m not saying “never.” I’ll be doing single day events with talks based on my recent books, but no multi-day conferences.

You can listen to my favorite talks below and neither one of us has to leave the house!



July 25-26, 2025
Taylor University’s Professional Writers’ Conference
Upland, Indiana


Talks with star work best for keynote talk.

Are Authors in Their Write Minds? [Actually, great hope and humor for all those with mental health issues]
“Hi. I’m Jim. I have clinical depression. And ADD, ASD, OCD and probably other undiagnosed initials. So here humorous and honest look at behaviorial and biblical principles to use our weaknesses for God’s glory. (It’s also the basis for my latest devotional, Praise the Lord and Pass the Prozac. ) Here’s my keynote for the Blue Ridge Christian Writers’ Conference:

Confessions of an Author and Speaker
Three stages communicators go through in learning to connect with an audience in print, pixels, or person. Click to read it.

Crossing-over with the Cross
Practical ways to take the message of the cross into the crossroads of the world and the World Wide Web. Click to read it

From stage to page: turning messages into manuscripts
Many of today’s best-selling authors are first of all speakers. But you can’t simply transcribe a talk and turn it into a publishable manuscript. Here’s how they do it. Read it here

God’s will is not lost—for those trying to find
Actually, it’s right there in black and white! Click to read it.

If You’re Not Dead, You’re Not Done!
Based on my book by the same name combines hope and humor on living a life of passion, purpose and pizzaz as a senior! Watch a two-minute clip used as an audition for “America’s Got Talent.” It earned a “call back.”

“I’m a Giant Killer!” A motivational talk that combines humor and practical suggestions for battling the giants that confront so all. Click to hear it.

I’m important!
Plus, I’m indispensable! I’m individual! I’m invaluable!
Based on 1 Corinthian’s principles of the Body of Christ. Click to hear it.

“Keeping Your Dreams Alive” (Keynote, 30-45 minutes) An inspirational talk using the story of Joseph as an example of a dream received, the dreamer refined, the dream redefined, and finally, the dream realized in relationship to writing. Click to read and/or hear it.

Mermaids, Unicorns and Christian Writers
An honest look at the differences between “Christian Writers” and “Christians Who Write.” The latter have different goals, motivations and definitions of success. BRAND NEW!

Soaring with Eagles, Walking with Emus
Encouragement for those who are “soaring” as well as those who are “walking” (or just standing) in their life and career. Click to read and/or hear it.

Squeezing Good Out of Bad
Based on the book of ten ways work bad to good, based on the book by same name. Click to hear it.

The Ten Creative Commandments
We are all filled with the Spirit of the creative God of creation, so why shouldn’t we should be the most creative people! Here are ten ways to develop your God-given creativity. Click to read a transcript or >watch the video.

Twenty-Five Rejection-Proof Markets
Writing opportunities that well-known authors have employed to truly change lives—and avoid rejection slips. Many of these proven writing ministries can be implemented immediately without waiting months—or years—to be traditionally published in books and articles . Click to read it

Your Write Role
Based on 1 Corinthians 12 (from the New Living Amplified Paraphrased King James Watkins Version), it encourages hearers that their “part” in writing is essential, no matter the size. Click to read and/or hear it.

Writing with Banana Peels
Laugh-filled with practical strategies for communicating more effectively with humor. (Audience will also learn that Jesus was a stand-up comic using the hip humor of the day: hyperbole!)  Based on my college text book.

3 thoughts on “Events

  • HI Jim
    We met many years ago at Colo Christian Writer’s conference. I have also ran into you severakl times at GPCWC. Wondering if you would be interested in having someone doing missions work speak at the St David;’s writers conference you are directing the end of June in PA. I am in Asia now but will be back in the US in the summer. MK

    • jameswatkins

      Hi, I’m afraid I have all my editors and agents for the conference. Wishing you God’s best as you serve him in Asia!

  • Roberta Sarver

    I heard you speak at the Taylor University writer’s conference, and thoroughly enjoyed it. You have a great way of keeping your audience entertained, engaged and inspired. Thanks so much!

    Roberta Sarver

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