James Watkins: Hope & Humor
How ToSpirituality

Bible study tools

I enjoy teaching a class for writers—and normal people—called Correctly Handling the Word in Writing. So, here are several of my favorite resources:

Bible translations
Bible Gateway
Blue Letter Bible
Parallel translations

Bible Hub
Bible Study Tools
Christian Classic Etherial Library

Word studies
Study Light (Hebrew and Greek)
Greek lexicons
Hebrew lexicons

Other resources
Bible dictionaries
Got Questions
Flavius Josephus Historical context
Theopedia An encyclopedia of Biblical Christianity

And, here’s a quick summary of my four-day talk

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Author and speaker

3 thoughts on “Bible study tools

  • classwork for Jeremiah 20:9 NASB

    But if I say, “I will not remember Him nor speak anymore in HIs name,” Then in my heart it becomes like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones; and I am tired of holding it in; and I cannot endure it.

    But if I say I will not call to mind or think on Him or warn anyone in His name, then my conscience, the heart of my moral character, eats me up with a supernatural fire, an accompanying theophany restrained in my very essence. I am faint trying to hold it in. Indeed I am not able to prevail or overcome it.

    • Thanks so much, Jean! It was such a JOY to have you in class. And thanks so much for the card and cross! May God bless you as you write for him!

    • Thanks, Jean! It was a JOY having you in class. And thanks for the “amplified” version of Jeremiah 20:9. I love it.


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