Hope and mental health
Hi, I’m Jim. I deal with mental health issues.
Yep, I have clinical depression, ADD, OCD and, just to keep things interesting, I’m on the very mild end of the autism spectrum. So, here are some hopeful posts on mental health that I trust will be helpful and hopeful:
• Are authors in their “write” mind
• Charles Spurgeon’s struggle with depression
• Dealing with death and grief
• Emotions real but not reality
• “Hi, I’m Jim. I have clinical depression.”
• Hope and help for suicidal thoughts
• Hope for those affected by Alzheimer’s disease
• I’m a mess. You’re a mess. (Audio)
From my daughter, Faith, the licensed therapist:
• From fairy tale to horror story Excerpt from Recovering Love
• Mental health resources
• Ten signs of addiction
I am so grateful that God has chosen someone with mental health issues to share hope and humor. God’s grace is amazing . . . and ironic!
If you found this post helpful, please share it on your social networks. Thanks!